i want a scroll box
and to know how you hide your friends and comments
and clickable links
and clickable pictures
Codes for myspace profiles/internet?
To make a regular link...
%26lt;a href="URL goes here"%26gt;Site Name%26lt;/a%26gt;
To make a picture link, upload your picture to TinyPic.com %26amp; copy the "direct link" %26amp; paste it where it tells you...
%26lt;a href="Website URL goes here"%26gt;%26lt;img src="Direct Link Goes here"%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;
To hide your friends, paste this code at the bottom of your "about me"...
.FriendSpace {display:none;}
To hide your comments, paste this code at the bottom of your "about me"...
.friendscomments {display:none;}
Or, if you want to hide your comments, but leave the "add comment" link, use this code instead...
.friendsComments .orangetext15,
.friendsComments td.text td td {display:none;}
.friendsComments * {background-color:transparent; border:0px;}
.FriendsComments td b {visibility:hidden;}
As for the scroll box, paste this code anywhere in your profile...just edit the width, height, %26amp; colors to whatever you like...
%26lt;div id="scroll3" style="width:300;height:200; background-color:000000; border:1px solid FFFFFF; overflow:auto"%26gt;
All of your text goes here. If you type enough it will scroll.
To change the colors, just replace "000000" %26amp; "FFFFFF" with the hex (color) code you want...here is a color chart...
Codes for myspace profiles/internet?
Use createblog to find the codes for a scroll box and hiding parts of your profile.
As for links,
%26lt;a href="url goes here"%26gt;what you want it to say%26lt;/a%26gt;
If you want it to open in a new tab/window, put it as %26lt;a href="url" target="_blank"%26gt;fddgfdsfhg%26lt;/a%26gt;
Picture links are the same thing except:
%26lt;a href="url"%26gt;%26lt;img src="PICTURE URL HERE"%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;
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