please list all the ones u know...PLEASE!!!
n god bless all of yall that answer = ]
What are some other myspace codes like %26amp;hearts ; ?
If you hold down alt and press a number, then let go, you can get a symbol. For example, alt + 3 becomes 閳? Alt + 3 + 3 becomes !. You can continue to make many combinations of numbers like alt + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 is 鑾? I think that you can only have up to seven digits though.
閳界s alt +1 (this is a smiley face, the font is kind of small)
閳界饱lt +2 (this is an inverted smiley face)
閳?alt +3
閳?alt + 4
閳?alt + 5
閳?alt + 6
閳?alt + 7
閳?alt + 11
閳锯偓 alt + 12
閳?alt + 13
閳?alt + 14
The rest are just simple symbols, such as alt +15 all the way to alt +59, and then it becomes letters, and then letters with tildes or accents.
What are some other myspace codes like %26amp;hearts ; ?
It depends on what you want the code to do. If you tell me what you want to do then I can probably get you code for it.
What are some other myspace codes like %26amp;hearts ; ?
Just go to and click on the cutie icon you will find A LOT there.
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